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A Change Is Gonna Come

What is the point in being alive if you don't at least try and do something remarkable

John Green

Change. We all have it, and most of us fear it. The thought of something in our perfectly routine and ordinary lives changing is a scary thought, but we human beings have this clever skill called adaptation. What this means is that we can evolve and adapt to suit our environment, which really is rather clever. Charles Darwin created this theory, and coincidentally named it the Theory of Evolution. Yet, despite all this, no one likes change, even people who say they do, secretly don't.

When you think of change, you think of bad things happening. Right?

The first thing that comes to a persons mind is that this change will lead to some grand disaster that completely ruins your entire life. Changes can be big, or small, but no matter their size they all have some kind of impact. Lets put this thought into perspective.

Everyday you walk a certain way to school, until one day decide to take a different route, one you have never taken before. You are going to be scared. You are going to wonder whether your going to get lost, and think up scenarios in your head where you get kidnapped or beat up. But, once you actually arrive at school, after taking this different route, you soon realise that there is nothing for you to be afraid of. Nothing happened, you got to school fine, and you now have a new route to take. This small change has helped change your life, for you have grown a little braver, and a little more resilient in your own unique way.

Never the less, change can lead to bad things, I am not going to deny this fact or sugar coat it. Leaving home, moving somewhere new. You get homesick, and miss all your friends and family which you have left behind. You imagine yourself back in your old room, in fact, you believe it so much that it feels completely real, until you wake up, and realise how much of a fool you have been. No one likes to move on from times they know they were truly happy. We all look back at our past with a sigh, thinking oh how I wish I was there again...

The Human race was built to change. Emotionally, we may not be able to handle every small difference life throws at us, but we are able to make it through. It is my firm belief that everything in life happens for a reason, which is what I tell myself when the bad things come, because I know that only good can come out at the very end. We shouldn't fear change. We should embrace it. We should ran at it with open arms, and tell it to slap us in the face, to wake us up out of our dreary, regimented lives, and into something different. Pain does not last forever, and the change will become a normal slice of your life, until it no longer feels any different.

Recently, I finished High school. It was a very long five years of my life, that was full of truly amazing moments, and moments I wish I could just forget. Now, I move on to the next stage of my life, to something completely different and free. No more school uniform, no more fixed dress code, five hour class days, or over-protectiveness. I can be free to study the subjects I love, and do the things I have always wanted to do. Part of me worries about the future, about my A level exams, trying to pay for Uni, getting a job, breaking out of the protective bubble I have lived in for the last sixteen years; but I know that I can make the best out of whatever life gives me. This is a big change for me, however, I am not the first person to go through this, nor am I the last, for, if other people can do it, then so can I.

Overall, the moral to this story is to embrace change, and not to fear it. You never know, it could lead to the beginning of your happily ever after...

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